Saturday, December 2, 2023

design and construction of an expedition camper - part 6

I install a seat cover for the driver side, after vacuum the cab really well.

Friday, December 1, 2023

design and construction of an expedition camper - part 5

I have been procuring the hard to find components for the expedition camper. I want to secure them even though I am only conducting high level design at this point, and I have yet to even commit to a sketch. However I have been designing in my head.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

design and construction of an expedition camper - part 4

There are two gas struts supporting the big roof window when open. The hinge bracket on one had delaminated at the glue interface to the glass pane, evidently due to excessive heat build up with the window and blackout blind fully closed. To repair it involving finding an adhesive that will work well with two perfectly flat surfaces, will cure hard, and will not creep, as well as standing up to extreme temperature range. I reckon it would be characteristics of a modern structure adhesive.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

design and construction of an expedition camper - part 3

When I took possession of the Fuso Canter at the Porsche dealership I didn't expect to see the insect screen and black out blind for every window and skylight were messed up. I knew there was no point trying to straighten them there. I said to the person doing the sales paperwork that these are not designed for Americans. I would investigate when I get home. I wasn't optimistic I could repair them as they look like they had been abused or sabotaged. 

design and construction of an expedition camper - part 2

I like to tell my friend and family I have 10 years worth of projects lined up. I have no disillusion the design and construction of the expedition camper will take about 2 years working with the time I have among other projects and maintenance. I have spent countless hours watching the best of German expedition campers/motorhomes to see the latest technology, architecture, industrial design, functional design, and material. Still, my best point of reference is Brunnhilde by Westfalia that was done over 20 years ago.