Monday, May 6, 2013

rhubarb orange sauce

I have never cook with rhubarb. It was long time ago living in Toronto I befriended a neighbor. His parents always plant this strange looking plant and I had no idea it is rhubarb, let alone how it taste. One summer day his mom serve us rhubarb pie. I would say it is one of my favorite pie. I love the tartness. That was the only time I had rhubarb.

Fast forward to decades later, I came across rhubarb while looking for fresh duck and rabbit in town. I bought three stalks not knowing exactly what I would do with it. They have been sitting in the refrigerator for nearly 2 weeks and thankfully they kept quite well when I make myself do something with it. I recently bought 2 bags of naval orange and I could not eat them fast enough. I decided to make a rhubarb orange concentrate - almost like a marmalade.

The process is very simple. Just cut the rhubarb into small cubes. Boil them in water and a few table spoons of sugar. For the orange, i zested the skin and extract the juice. I used about 5 oranges. I then added the orange juice and zest into the rhubarb which by now have been boiled for about an hour in low heat. I continued heating the mixture in low heat to reduce it into a jam like consistency. What resulted is a orange glaze enhanced by the rhubarb tartness. Most of the sweetness came from the reduction of the orange juice as I used very little sugar.
those are mint leaves on top
i would serve the rhubarb orange sauce with a meat dish - it serves to add an accent to the salty meat dish
I am thinking using some to make some homemade ice cream.

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