Saturday, March 12, 2016

in good shape, isolde - part 5

This resumes from a previous post in good shape, isolde - part  4. Adapt and evolve is the password of this post of continuous enhancements. Sometimes a solution is so simple that is deceptively obvious when you see one.

Back in 2013, I designed and built a compact power utility panel for Brunnhilde. It was a project of what I like to call making lemonade out of lemon. One of the two cup holders in Brunnhilde's cabin was broken from someone tried to repair it.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

in good shape, isolde - part 3

This is a continuation of the previous post - in good shape, isolde - part 2.

I am using some idle time to putting some icing on the cake so to speak. Small things that just take some time to think through and implement. I bought 2 of this 2 channel digital thermometer from Radio Shack 17 years ago. I bought one extra as a spare. I was in the process of evaluating it as well as finding an satisfactory location to install. I completed the evaluation and were happy with it's functions, accuracy, appearance, and power consumption.