Tuesday, November 25, 2014

home made andouille sausage 昂杜耶香腸

Since last night I have been experiencing very poor internet speed. I don't know if it has anything to do with the nation is gripped by the development and the aftermath of the grand jury decision in Ferguson.

Tonight my broadband is still very slow and it takes a long time to upload these photos.

I have ran out of home made andouille sausages. I bought close to 8 pounds of pork butt this past weekend to make more. Sausage making is an endeavor that is quite involving and you would want to make it worthwhile. With the trouble you are going through you want to make a large enough batch. One reason is the "waste" left in the grinder and stuffer. The more you make, the lower the percentage the waste to finished-good ratio, the the lower the labor cost. Labor cost for me is my time and effort that could be devoted to something else.

i prefer the meat to have larger particle sizes; however that would require hand cutting them and 8 lb of meat is a lot of work; i decided to feed them all in my grinder using the coarsest die
I first tied to use the food processor thinking that would give me the coarse chunks that I want. Big mistake. I ended up have to use my meat grinding attachment on my Kenwood mixer. Using the food processor left me one more small appliance to clean up.
 my better-than-kitchen-toy 5 lb sausage stuffer - this one has all metal gears
i used up this tiny bag of teaser casings i bought from amazon; once i knew i can regularly make sausage i bought the casing in bulk from syracuse casing company
 this teaser casings are a pain to use not to mention very expensive
this is the real deal; casings from syracuse casing company; the casing comes in plastic sleeves making slipping them on the stuffing nozzle a breeze

 all 8 pounds of sausage to be aired out in the refrigerator over night
 this is the "waste" left in the stuffer and the stuffing nozzle
 a lot of equipment to wash is the reason you want to make a big batch
i use the "waste" sausage meat for breakfast and lunch; i should note that before starting the stuffing process, you always should cook and taste a small sample to check the seasoning and spices
 a pasta dish made with the "waste" sausage meat
 smoking the sausage the next day
 finished product
 vacuum bagging
 ready to be stored in freezer for cooking the months to come
 this has nothing to do with the sausage; just a daikon and pork neck bone soup
i love daikon in pork broth