Monday, December 3, 2018

clay pot rice 煲仔飯 - with dim sum ingredients

Clay pot rice 煲仔飯 is one of the most versatile Chinese dishes. The variety of ingredients that may be used only limited by one's imagination. The whole meal is cooked and served in the same cooking vessel, and the best experience is to eat it straight out of the clay pot.

cantonese steamed beef meatballs - part 2

This is one man's quest for edible dim sum continues. In addition to preparing the beef meatballs, I also prepared a batch of baby ribs in black bean sauce. Unlike the beef meatballs the preparation for the ribs cannot be easier.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

cantonese steamed beef meatballs

This is something that I have not try to make until now. Here in Portland there is no dim sum place that I care for. The closest acceptable dim sum I have to drive to Seattle, or better Richmond, BC. So short of taking a road trip, I have to take matter into my own hands if I want edible dim sum.