Friday, January 4, 2019

grouper in clear broth 石斑魚清湯

It's been a while since I prepare a whole fresh fish. I never go looking for a fish to make a dish as the chance of finding a good one is next to nil. I usually buy them when I spot them while shopping.
I was looking for a piece of freshly slaughtered Alaska cod to make another dish. Found the cod I did and I bought a big piece. There are also three of this yellow grouper in the display. By their appearance I knew they are good tasting groupers. I picked the largest of the three. It weighted in at 1.5 pounds.

Normally I would steam for a grouper like this. However I decided to do something different - an improvised recipe that I conceived in the head. The idea is to capture every bit of essence of the fish by making a soup like dish. I happen to have a very large Japanese clay pot that the whole fish fits into. The shallow design of this pot make it ideal so you don't end up with a big pot of tasteless broth.

  • a good size grouper
  • sliced ginger
  • cilantro
  • thinly sliced scallion
  • glutinous rice cake
  • marinated pork slices
  • sea scallops
  • Chinese celery
  • pickled Asian mustard green
  • olive oil
  • freshly ground white pepper
  • salt
  • Chinese cooking wine
  • sake
  • water
  • Taiwanese lettuce
The key of making this dish is to boil the fish only long enough to release enough essence into the liquid but not so long that the meat loss the flavor and umami. As there is quite a bit of liquid making into a broth the pork and scallops bought additional flavor. This dish is light and delicate.

the broth is flavorful and the fish meat is too; this is one best tasting grouper I have bought

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