Thursday, July 22, 2021

some wildlife at the ranch

Some recent wildlife at the ranch.

two fawns and their mom

they grew so fast

an Anna's hummingbird caught by the camera in flight

I found this 4" lizard under a blanket I left on the deck; fortunately for it I didn't squash it when I felt a lump under the blanket; it was 37F out in the morning and it just no where near in action so I could do whatever I'd like including turning it over

I have a lot of these beautiful lizards and recently a lot of babies around 1" long; they like to hang out on rocks and concrete surfaces around the buildings

to protect it from predators until it warms up I put it in this plastic container with a lid

as the sun clocks over I left the lidded container in the morning sun to warm up and gently released it when I know the deck is no long cold

this is the other kind of lizard and this like to be in the vegetations; this are typically about 7" long and  has a smoother body

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