Friday, December 13, 2013

lilyhammer season 2

How can you not love Netflix? They just sent me an email that the season 2 episodes of Lilyhammer just become available. While it is nowhere near as good as The Sopranos it is quite entertaining.

An excellent classic movie that I just watched is the director's cut of Das Boot. It is only available as DVD or Blu Ray on Netflix. The special feature is a must watch. The direction's cut is over 3 hours long and a much better than the theatrical version.

Update Dec 16, 2013:
One of the nice things about Netflix is you can do binge-viewing of TV programs. I devoured the entire season 2 episodes of the Lilyhammer in just 2 days. I have to say watching season 2 is not as enjoyable as season 1. The plots, acting, and execution in the second season episodes seems contrive, rushed, and juvenile. May be I was charmed by the relatively fresh idea of a gangster taking refuge in a small town in Norway in season 1. The contrive plots and silly stuns in season 2 gets old very fast. The whole season seems to be rushed and for the purpose of captalize revenue for another season. Gone was the policewomen that remind one of Fargo. If Soprano is a 5, Lilyhammer Season 2 is a 2. It is best watch as a mindless comedy when you are preparing meals.

Das Boot, on the other hand, should be watched with 3.5 hours of undivided attention each viewing (that is 3.5 hours for the director's cut, and then another 3.5 hours with the director's commentary, and may be a subsequent 3.5 hour viewing of the entire director's cut again.).

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