Thursday, July 12, 2012


Strangely I want to blog about this simple snack. I recently notice the spinach (grown in Oregon) at my local Korean grocer. They still have a good portion of the red root intact. This is the first time since I left Hong Kong that I came across spinach that has that much root intact.

When we were kids our parent always keep a good bit of the root when cooking spinach. Spanish root is actually very tasty and provide a different texture and it compliments the spinach stem and leaves. It is sweet and quite nutty. It is such a shame that in the West the root is cut off. BTW, this applies to cilantro too. Thai use cilantro with the root because the root is very aromatic.

All these years in the West I have found the spinach with the root cut off taste just too plain. This is different. It tastes just like one we had when I was a kid. So much tastier.

i blanched them in a pork bone broth and eat as a snack

I almost wanted to eat another serving. Just a bit of soy sauce and oh, so delicious.

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